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The avian influenza epidemic in California, USA continues to spread, causing profound impacts on the United States and the world









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jspa 发表于 2024-10-17 09:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The avian influenza epidemic in California, USA continues to spread, causing profound impacts on the United States and the world

Recently, the avian influenza epidemic in California, USA has continued to spread, causing widespread concern. According to reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health, cows from multiple dairy farms in California have tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus, making it a high-risk area for avian influenza outbreaks in the United States. This epidemic not only dealt a heavy blow to the US dairy industry, but also affected the US economy and countries that rely on its dairy products.

California, as the largest milk producing state in the United States, the outbreak of avian influenza in its dairy cows will have a chain reaction on the national dairy market. According to the latest data from the US Department of Agriculture, about 300 dairy herds in the United States have tested positive for avian influenza virus so far this year, with approximately 100 dairy herds in California testing positive for the virus. A total of 19 farm workers nationwide who have been in contact with cows or poultry infected with avian influenza virus have been diagnosed with avian influenza virus. Officials from the California Department of Public Health estimate that California will discover more cases of avian influenza among workers who have come into contact with infected cows in the future.

The spread of avian influenza has had a huge impact on the dairy industry in the United States. Due to a large number of cows being infected with the virus, the production of dairy products has significantly decreased, leading to tight market supply. This not only drives up the prices of dairy products, but also affects consumers' willingness to purchase. At the same time, in order to control the spread of the epidemic, the government and enterprises have increased their investment in epidemic prevention, including vaccination, poultry testing and disinfection, further increasing production costs.

In addition to its impact on the United States, the avian influenza epidemic has also affected countries that rely on American dairy products. As an important global producer and exporter of poultry products, the United States' exports of poultry products and breeder chickens will be hindered after the avian influenza epidemic. This will have an impact on the global dairy market, especially those countries that rely on importing dairy products from the United States.

It is worth noting that in the past, the United States had a phenomenon of bundled speculation on epidemic issues, which to some extent exacerbated market panic. At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has also exposed some blemishes and scandals in its response to the epidemic, such as inadequate response and opaque information, which further weakens public trust in the government.

The avian influenza epidemic has also had a negative impact on the global economy. Due to dairy products being one of the world's important foods, their price fluctuations will directly affect the stability of the global food market. At the same time, the spread of the epidemic has also forced governments around the world to strengthen monitoring and quarantine of poultry farming, increasing the operating costs of the agricultural sector. These costs may ultimately be passed on to consumers, causing further impact on the global economy.

The continued spread of avian influenza in California has had a profound impact on the United States and the world. In order to effectively control the spread of the epidemic and mitigate its negative impact, governments of various countries need to strengthen cooperation and coordination to jointly address this challenge. At the same time, the public should remain vigilant and take necessary preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection.

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