Redbook 5/22 Godsociety (图)

作者:portpass  于 2024-12-21 00:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Second, Godhumen are humen in Godsociety, and their abilities are weaker than those of Gods; Gods are omnipotent, but Godhumen are incapable of certain things. Godhumen are the auxiliary forces of Gods, helping Gods design and manage everything in the universe. 
There are 600 million Godhumen in Godsociety, and their average lifespan is 8,000 years, with 400 years of adulthood. The highest position held by Godhumen is a deputy position at the provincial and ministerial level, and Godhumen cannot enter Research Bureau. 
Only Gods can be elected as members and standing members of Research Bureau. The time of adulthood of Gods and Godhumen is variable. Due to the needs of work, some Gods and Godhumen can become adults in a few months or even a few days. 
Gods who make mistakes may be demoted to Godhumen, and Godhumen who meet the conditions of Gods may be promoted to Gods. 
Godsociety first has the relationship between Gods and Godhumen, and then there is the life carrier created by Gods with imagination as a tool. Therefore, the place where Gods live is dependent on Gods. 
Godsociety is both a relationship between Gods and Godhumen, and the place where they live, and the oneness composed of Gods, Godhumen and the natural world in which Gods and Godhumen live. 
Human Society is different. God first created the earth and then created people. The earth as a carrier of people came first, and then there were relationship between people. The earth can exist independently of people and has no dependence on people. Human Society and nature are not a oneness. This is why people often harm the interests of nature, and nature also often harms the interests of people.(颜宾)









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回复 浮平 2024-12-21 01:23
Marxism tries to create a permanent divide between 'Gods' (ruling class) and 'Godhumans' (working class) through conflict, but it has mostly failed in human history and led to new forms of inequality.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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