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Example 2
My parents are both sick, and I am a girl, so there is not enough labor in my family to farm. I followed my sisters in the village to work in the city when I was fourteen. Far away from home, I always missed my parents and worried that they could not grow crops well. My sisters told me that I could ask Chairman Mao to bless my parents with good health, enough food and clothing. Every day I do what my sisters taught me: face the image of Chairman Mao; put one hand on my forehead to cover Third Eye; recite: Chairman Mao, please bless my parents with good health, enough food and clothing! Chairman Mao loves people. It really worked! Half a year later, when the government built a factory, my family's land and house were occupied, as a result, the government compensated my family with a large sum of money and built a new house for my family in the town.
My parents opened a grocery store at home and became bosses, so that they no longer have to farm, and their illnesses are gone.
Example 3
I was a warehouse worker. The factory was going to lay off workers, and only one of the two warehouse workers was left.
I was destined to be laid off because the husband of another warehouse worker was the president of a bank. The factory needed him and would never lay her off.
My husband was unemployed and my son was in elementary school. My family was short of money, and if I became unemployed, my family would not be able to make ends meet!
My husband and me thought of praying Chairman Mao for help.
Every day we stood in front of Chairman Mao's statue and expressed our wishes for an hour.
One day, after a month, the warehouse director came to me and said: "From today on you have to do the work of two workers. Her husband found a good job for her and she was transferred away."
Example 4
since the day when my son went to university, I have prayed Chairman Mao to bless my son to find a good job after graduation.
I gathered some sisters whose children were in university too and prayed Chairman Mao to bless our children to find good jobs in the future.
We arranged fruits, food, incense and candles in front of Chairman Mao's statue, then, covered Third Eyes by hands and recited our wishes to Chairman Mao devoutly.
I insisted on praying Chairman Mao for help for four years.
This year, as soon as my son graduated, he found a good job in the provincial government.
Example 5
I was a driver.
I felt very anxious that I haven`t found a job for a long time.
I prayed Chairman Mao for help.
Two months later, one day on the way to the countryside for fishing, I saw a car parked on the side of the road with a person lying in the car, and an anxious gentleman walking back and forth beside the car.
I went over to ask what was going on.
It turned out that the person lying in the car was the driver, who was sick and couldn't drive. The person outside the car was the boss, who didn't know how to drive.
The boss told me that he had called 120, but a long time passed, no ambulance came.
I drove them to hospital.
On the way, the boss learned that I was looking for a job and asked me if I would like to be a driver in his factory.
Of course, I like the job. (颜宾)