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Who would actually dislike this video? Snakes?
Snake people!
Kevin Durant and his fans, that's who lol
Snake: "well you know all of us aren't bad guys, were just trying to feed ourselves, geez I'm offended"
Embarrassed human mothers who realized a rat outmothered them!
Thanks for a hearty laugh
Wow. Rats care more about their children than some human mothers do
Wow this mother has won the Nobel Peace Price for being the best mother of 2019
She meant business "YOU BETTA PUT MY BABY DOWN!!"
that's why legends said "no one like mama"
even for animals and birds
ANY decent mother would turn from meek to a demon if her baby is threatened.
I've never been a fan of rat but this just wow me.
The love of the mother overpowers the fear of danger.
Very impressive.
Edit: the music is so good for the situation in this video.
Rats have gone up in my estimation. That is what l call a real Mammy rat.
Instinct...protect the young regardless of species..weird how just about every animal knows it
Impressive how the motherly instinct is the same across all species.
OMG!!! I gotta go hug my ratties
I dont love rat but I have to admire this one.
This rat is a better mother than half the mothers I know
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Absolutely. I got SO TIRED of the rude behavior in mainland China. Have to go to HK to see some manners and dignified behavior
-------When there is no courtesy and no common decency, then you don't have a culture, you have a plague
-------There is a lot of decency and courtesy in China , respect of the elders , family, friendship respect for the nation , the teachers ... is much higher than in the west and they surely have a culture .
------after seeing this video and what Serpentza had to say, i doubt it
--------he is just talking about a part of the older generation or people from lower classes and even them can still be very nice in other ways just like some people will consider some Americans ignorant but it doesn’t mean they are all total idiots
----Respect is not the same as decency and courtesy. E.g. I respect venomous snakes.
the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.
"he had been treated with a degree of courtesy not far short of deference"
synonymes : politeness, courteousness, good manners, civility, respect, respectfulness, deference, chivalry, gallantry, good breeding, gentility..
----Appeal to Definition Fallacy
(also known as: appeal to the dictionary, victory by definition)
Des**tion: Using a dictionary’s limited definition of a term as evidence that term cannot have another meaning, expanded meaning, or even conflicting meaning. This is a fallacy because dictionaries don’t reason; they simply are a reflection of an abbreviated version of the current accepted usage of a term, as determined by argumentation and eventual acceptance. In short, dictionaries tell you what a word meant, according to the authors, at the time of its writing, not what it meant before that time, after, or what it should mean.
Dictionary meanings are usually concise, and lack the depth found in an encyclopedia; therefore, terms found in dictionaries are often incomplete when it comes to helping people to gain a full understanding of the term.
-----because saying you have « respect » for snakes is not a lack of depth regarding the meaning of respect ? Listen ....whatever meaning you give to courtesy... trust me ... they have it and much more than many countries I have been to .
-----"not a lack of depth regarding the meaning of respect"
Word salad much?
Conspiracy theories are not my thing.
------LMAO this is a chinese BOT, look at that name :D the most generic western name they could come up with
-----No , these are my second names Walter was my English grandpa and John James my Irish grandpa, i live in China now .
------Pure chinese culture is disgusting. I have witnessed firsthand.