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April 25, 2016 凌晨 读临江仙 晏几道
April 25, 2016 凌晨 读临江仙 晏几道
The Fairy By The River
Spring breezes softly blow at midnight,
my dream is broken by the moonlight.
I hear a lonely goose sadly sing afar,
and see a racoon look for food in my yard.
The church bell sends sorrowful sounds,
who is its company? It hasn't found.
I want to drink some wine to comfort myself,
but only find the empty bottle on the shelf.
Alas, the brook flows in a hurry,
leaving alone the bridge shadow and me.
my dream is broken by the moonlight.
I hear a lonely goose sadly sing afar,
and see a racoon look for food in my yard.
The church bell sends sorrowful sounds,
who is its company? It hasn't found.
I want to drink some wine to comfort myself,
but only find the empty bottle on the shelf.
Alas, the brook flows in a hurry,
leaving alone the bridge shadow and me.
临江仙 晏几道