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(中文版我忘了。 曾经以为的凝视君,您是否愿意为吾之拙作加一个中文版?(曾经以为的凝视君贴出【老鼠爱大米】送给我,感谢!
他让我加英语版。我再看看。) 多谢批评! 谢谢啦,祝您周末愉快!
The Autumn's Words
Here I am, quietly, bringing love and care:
I wave gently-- wiping off the clouds on the horizon,
I give a puff-- scents of flowers keep floating in the air,
Wheat ears cheer joyfully, waiting for the harvest.
By the river, sitting a cow
she chews slowly, enjoying a relaxing break.
The happy-go-lucky fellow
near the farmhouse, a pig is sound asleep.
The geese in the sky have a new dream to fulfill:
They fly south, in swarms,
singing all the way, they fly through seas and many a hill,
leaving mountain brooks keep running alone.
I shake my sleeves, the pigment
I've brought, fall on the north mountain top
where live raccoons and deer' cries there are constant,
and in the south now it becomes colorful as well.
The full moon these days has become a hook,
also appears to be like a curved eyebrow,
her forever fresh, smiley and shy look,
since ancient times, has charmed so many literary giants...
文/刘小曼 Oct. 12 2015
(Oct 12, 2015 I drove around the natural park in my neighborhood. Autumn leaves are beautiful these days. )原贴在:http://www.writingforums.com/threads/160860-The-Autumn-s-Words?highlight=Xiaoman