
作者:一剑飘尘  于 2018-5-21 04:28 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Dear (insert name or organization here),

I am xxx, a voter in your electoral district. Like many people living in this district, I am deeply troubled by the outcome of the trade negotiation with China. As a Chinese immigrant, I think I have a good understanding of both sides, and I want to share my thoughts with you  in hope you can pass these information to our government negotiation team.

First, I am concerned about our strategy against China  The main reason behind our trade deficit with China stems from the fact that China is NOT a market economy. Everything there is controlled by the government, including import and export. Our goal for ending the trade war shouldn’t be forcing Chinese government to buy more US goods  because they can easily promise to buy more today and break that promise tomorrow if it suits them. We won’t have much leverage against them when that happens. To make matters worse, our current strategy will empower Chinese government in the long run as we become increasingly dependent on their willingness to open their market. What we should do instead is to push China towards an open market. As long as we hold upper hand over China in term of the strength of economy, we have the opportunity to get it done. However we must act quickly and firmly as our lead is diminishing at an alarming rate.

Second, I am concerned that our leaders are deceived by the rosy promises made by Chinese government. I lived for almost 30 years in China and I knew from my personal experience that you simply can’t trust Chinese government.  Joined WTO in 2001, China didn’t deliver any measurable change on all of their key promises for the past 17 years. Instead of moving towards free market economy, Chinese government now has even bigger control over its economy and every aspect of life there.  That is supported by the unfortunate fact: private companies in the US and around the world have been losing to Chinese state-run firms because no private company can compete against the Chinese government. US might be the only country in the world with the strength to standup against China and I don’t how much longer we can hold on to that position.

Last but not the least,  I am concerned that our trade team is not aware of the strategy used by Chinese government. What the Chinese government is doing now is simply buying time for themselves so they can break their words again in the near future.  They are banking on the fact that president Trump isn’t very popular among Americans and American allies, they think it is very possible the upcoming midterm election and 2020 president election will lead to a major changes in US  policies. When that happens, they will quickly revert their course and continue to take the advantage of US and the rest of the free world. By then, we will have very few means to fight back and will start to lose to china again.

If you believe Chinese government is the evil vampire praying on the free world, then US is the last line of defense for this world and our way of life, and NOW is our best chance to contain this blood thirsty vampire before it  grows stronger.

Please share my concerns with the members of your legislation and re-consider our position related to the ongoing trade negotiations.


the link of my article Cold War 2.0


Yours Sincerely











刚表态过的朋友 (4 人)

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8 回复 change? 2018-5-21 09:35
The message is clear
7 回复 (●'◡'●) 2018-5-21 23:10
一剑英语啊,也是牛,smpl but full of abstrct thght   
wht and whr is the pb of ROOT?来找一剑要!
6 回复 (●'◡'●) 2018-5-21 23:33
To the pint, 中国人喜欢游击战地道战,敌进我退,敌退我进,耐心也是Biggest,而且中国人喜欢斩草除根....haha 这句英语怎么翻啊,难死我了 (插个话,现在到处都是翻译工具,语言隔阂也没什么劲了,英语越来越没地位了,搞科技的都知道,以后是量子意识掌控一切,而量子意识就是和傻瓜一样的东西,是无意无识却有知有觉。。。哦,我是说啊,翻译工具都是量子意识搞出来的‘小菜一碟’)
8 回复 (●'◡'●) 2018-5-21 23:42
斩草除根吗,这个一剑想的透,你,那个谁,不要短视,不要急功近利,否则scheißen,所有的,一切的将是 Kaputt。。。哦,跟着玩时髦,弄几个不显眼的外来词儿,敲锣打鼓助助兴

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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