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亚城北部地区的政治活动家Greg Williams吃惊地发现华裔不可忽视,发现了华裔巨大的政治能量,被深深地感动了。于是主动支持,热情积极地出任林怡正竞选的,非华裔居民的竞选经理。
准备竞选副州长的州参议员领袖David Shafer,听到了林怡正先生的竞选活动,了解了林怡正的经历和主张后,非常认可,主动联系,表示支持。西裔的著名女律师Dahlys Hamilton(她发起组织了一个以少数族裔为主的西裔爱国者同盟,当然是爱美国),非裔的能源专家Michelle Miller,新当选的州议员Betty Price(其先生是国会众议员TomPrice),著名的企业家,社会活动家Brian Ferguson。。。
Bob Gray 于2014年当选第四席的市议员。早在2006年BobGray就是Johns Creek建市的创办人之一。他本人的职业生涯丰富,曾任多家高科技和咨询企业高管。目前除了担任市议员外,他也是一家初创公司投资人,并且兼任乔治亚理 工学院 ATDC (Advanced Technology Development Center)项目的导师团成员,为中小企业创办人提供协助。
Bob向大家介绍了林怡正为一位奉行财务保守主义的企业家。林怡正的当选将帮助市政府已务实的态度处理各项当前的议题。他对于林怡正担任市议员的能力表示了信心。另外,Bob特别强调了林怡正在代表全体市民的同时,更带动了那些过去“从未介入公共事务的选民”出来参政 议政。这里显然是针对惯于在政治事务中保持沉默的华裔居民。
现任州众议员Brad Reffensperger 力挺林怡正先生,(见附件二)。
Brad Reffensperger 是在今年二月份新当选的州议员。他在选情胶执的时候,来求助于我们华人。我们华裔的选票帮助他终于胜出了。他也是一个很成功的建筑商,他的公司有一百多雇 员。他从父亲那里学到了一个人应该关心社会,回馈社会,为公众服务的理念,并身体力行。所以和林怡正有很多共同点,也很容易互相理解。特别赞扬了林怡正先 生实现美国梦的理念和历程。他竭力地推崇林怡正先生,认为林怡正先生是一个可信可靠的人。
现任州众议员David Clark的支持 (见附件三)。
Mr. David Clark也是今年新当选的州众议员,来自佐治亚州第89选区的。当他得知林怡正先生站出来竞选,为公众服务后,就来了解林怡正先生的情况。然后高度赞扬 林怡正先生的竞选理念和脚踏实地的努力。参加了我们第二次招待会,发表了热情洋溢的讲话,视林怡正为志同道合的朋友,积极地支持林怡正竞选。
能源专家Michelle Miller的支持(见附件四)。
Ms. Michelle Miller是一个非裔女士。她的专长是能源,正在竞选州公共事务主任/Public Service Commissioner的位置。她认为能源是与千家万户老百姓的生活休戚相关的重要事务。大力推广科普与能源相关的知识和政策,宣讲绿色能源计划,稳定 能源价格。必须让老百姓了解,参与和受惠。所以她不辞辛劳地在全州范围内奔走,一面进行科普,一面进行竞选。她深深了解林怡正先生实现美国梦的艰辛和智 慧。深信林怡正先生的奋斗经历一定会给老百姓带来福利。
著名社会活动家Brian Ferguson对林怡正先生的公开支持(见附件五)。
Mr. Brian Ferguson,是一个亚城著名教育家和企业家,除了在自己的公司当主席和CEO之外,还在多个学校和公司任职,当顾问。我鼓动了我的朋友,我的朋友就 去鼓动了Mr. Ferguson。Mr. Ferguson立刻就明快地做出了判断和决定,一定要支持林怡正。为了向他的朋友和邻居推荐,特地在SouthernClub组织了27日的介绍林怡正 先生的活动。亚城的人士都能体会到SouthernClub的份量。
附件一: 现任市议员 Bob Gray公开挺林怡正
Johns Creek City Council - Elections
On Tuesday, November 3, you'll have the opportunity to elect Council membersfor Post 2, Post 5, and Post 6. Early voting is available beforehand at OceeLibrary.
The days are gone when we only had one or two candidates for each post. Now,it's very encouraging to see the commitment of so many members of our communityand their willingness to serve. Remarkably, we have 2-4 candidates for eachpost. Having met each candidate and having an appreciation for their principlesand positions, I happy to share my recommendations.
I know those whom I'm not recommending may feel slighted. I apologize forthat. All would do well by the city. I know all the candidates are working hardthrough the election and I wish each of them well.
Here's my picks:
Post 2 (partial term) - Patty Hansen
Post 2 (full term) - Jay Lin
Post 5 - Stephanie Endres
Post 6 - Steve Broadbent
In coming to these recommendations, I considered not just the individualsbut the collective make up of the Council with these individuals on it. It isimportant to have the right blend of leadership, passion, and expertise oncouncil. Each of these individuals bring varying degrees of each. In addition,with the changes that have occurred over the past several years, I believethere is great value in continuity of leadership and direction. Clearly,Steve's reelection brings that.
Although the term is very short and the opportunity to contribute limited,Patty will bring a depth of knowledge from her years of service to the city asthe Mayor's chief of staff. She will inject insights we would otherwise nothave. These will be very valuable to the council going forward.
Jay is a fiscal conservative and business owner. He will offer a pragmaticand common sense perspective to the issues and decisions the Council will face.While clearly representing the entire city, Jay will engage members of ourcommunity who have not yet been engaged in public affairs.
Stephanie has unique insights having attended nearly every City Councilmeeting for years. Her commitment to the city is impressive and the amount oftime she devotes to understanding the issues and developing a position on eachis to be commended. She knows the issues as well as anyone and will bring apassion for fiscal discipline.
Steve's devotion to the city is apparent from his attendance at so manyevents across the city. His passion for public safety is worthy of recognitionand his commitment to our police and fire departments is genuine. Personally,I've enjoyed working with Steve on economic development, the budget, and parks,much of which is not yet public knowledge. We've not agreed on all issues andcertainly differed on the decision to roll back the millage rate. However, Isincerely appreciate the leadership Steve brings to the debate and believe thecontinuity of his reelection is important.
While I'm sure I won't agree with each of these candidates on every issue,I'm confident that the debate will lead the Council to the right answers forthe community.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to know moreabout my rationale for these recommendations.
Bob Gray
Post 4
Johns Creek City Council
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We have several fine candidates in the City Council races and today I wanted todiscuss a person I encourage you to vote for - Jay Lin for the 4 year term inPost 2.
I have known Jay Lin for well over a year now. As I got to know Jay better Ilearned that we have many mutual friends. As a small business owner Jay is partof a Christian business leaders mentoring program called ISI - Iron SharpensIron. Jay's facilitator happens to be our Couples Small Group Leader at Northpoint.Small world. This speaks in many ways to the character of Jay.
As a small business owner, Jay understands the challenges of running a businessin an economy still on the mend. Times are better than the recent past andhaving Jay serve on City Council will bring a business perspective and desirefor local economic growth for Johns Creek.
I like Jay's history. Jay wasn't born in this country. He is from Taiwan whichis overshadowed by mainland China. Jay has embraced the ideals of Americanfreedom, hard work and upward mobility and is a proud and grateful Americancitizen. He understands how special America is and what limitless opportunitiesit offers each of us.
Jay's a committed family man and he is dedicated to his wife and children. Hisgoal is much like yours and mine - to work hard so perhaps our children can doa bit better than us. It's the essence of the American dream.
You will find that Jay is a good student. He is committed to local city issuesand will bring a team attitude to council as our City Council works on furtherimprovements to our City.
Johns Creek is an exceptional city and I believe Jay would be an honest,reliable conservative choice for Post 2.
Best Wishes,
Brad Raffensperger
State Representative
50th House District
Johns Creek
David Clark:
I’m honored to endorse my goodfriend, Jay Lin, for Johns Creek City Council Post 2! From the first dayI met him, it was obvious he was a man of character living his life to serveothers. We need more leaders who embody the words of John Quincy Adams,“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and becomemore, you are a leader.” That’s exactly who Jay Lin is in every sense ofthe word. A vote for Lin is a vote for inspirational action that willcreate positive results, which will echo through the community for years tocome.
附件四:能源专家Michelle Miller的支持
Michelle Miller:
"I am honored to endorse JayLin for Johns Creek City Council. He is a living reminder that the'American Dream' is alive and can be achieved. Jay Lin is an upstandingbusinessman who will increase economic development, bring a new standard ofethics, and fervently protect and assist the residents and businesses inbuilding an even greater Johns Creek."
Michelle Miller is a Republican candidate for District 2 Commissioner of theGeorgia Public Service Commission. Michelle received her bachelors inEnergy and Sustainability Policy from Penn State University. She won ascholarship with PSU and The GREEN Program to study geothermal, biomass, solar,wind, and biofuel technologies in Costa Rica. Michelle is certified inArcGIS; an application for analyzing metadata, transmission site selection,route optimization and advanced predictive modeling. Michelle Miller is a certifiedEthical Leader in business and policy from the NASBA Center for the PublicTrust. As a consultant, she has worked with companies internationally andin the U.S.
附件五:教育家,企业家Brian Ferguson的支持
Brian Ferguson : Country Club of the South, Johns Creek
Jay's experience in the business world will be a tremendous asset to JohnsCreek.
I trust that his proactive energy along with his dedication to Conservativeprinciples will make him a wise steward of taxpayer needs and dollars.
Brian G. Ferguson MSM CLU ChFC
President and CEO
Integrated Networking Group
ING Advisors, LLC