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至于我是坚决反对SCA-5, 看来这法案州议会己通过,得靠加州选民投票决定了. 我会尽己之力把消息传给加州的友人,鼓励他们参与投票.
至于乔州联邦参议员竞选人Karen Handel对SCA-5持何立场,我是无法为她代言的. 我鼓励你直接问她,这样我们都好有个答案.
Dear ChineseInvest88, First I would like to express my admiration on your involvement and vigilant on what is going on nationwide in the political arena. We need more of our people to be like you!
Speaking for myself, I absolutely against SCA-5 and support the object of the petition. From the information you provided, it is now yet something passed the California assembly and need voters in California to reject this SCA-5 at the ballot. I will certainly share the information with all my friends and contacts in California to encourage them to get involved.
As for what Karen's position, I cannot speak for her on this, and I would love to encourage you to ask her directly and for all of us to get an answer from her.
诚挚邀请您来与我们: 前州共和党主席Sue Everhart女士、州参议员Josh McKoon先生、以及DeKalb郡委员Elaine Boyer女士
2014年3月7日. 7:00 PM