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刚刚读到美墨加三国的代表今天签署了新版北美贸易协定的新闻,下面跟各位分享一下《华盛顿邮报》文章Winners and losers in the final USMCA deal
对该新协定(USMCA” or “NAFTA 2.0.") 谁是输者?谁是赢者?:
赢者 Winners:
1)President Trump, 不言而喻,川普兑现了他的竞选承诺之一。
4)American CEOs – Business leaders finally get some certainty on trade.
5)Canada – The Canadians managed not to cave much to Trump. In the end, they had to open up their dairy market a bit, but they managed to keep the Chapter 19 dispute settlement process, which helps dodge U.S. courts on most trade-related issues. Canadian workers are also likely to benefit from the more stringent labor requirements, especially that at least 30 percent of autos must be made by workers earning more than $16 an hour.
输者 Losers:
1) Mexico 墨西哥的低劳动力成本优势被遏制,特别是在汽车制造业上。
2)China 川普以此铺平了连任的道路也减缓了跟China达成贸易协定的压力。
3)The MAGA trade agenda
Winners and losers in the final USMCA deal