Lindbergh 痛苦而幽默地意识到为什么很少圣人是已婚女性:It has to do primarily with distractions. The bearing, rearing, feeding and educating of children; the running of a house with its thousand details; human relationships with their myriad pulls – woman’s normal occupations in general un counter to creative life, or contemplative life, or saintly life. 说得多好,这就难怪我不 creative, 不 contemplative, 不 saintly了。
Lindbergh 说,在海边居住可以学会“放下的艺术”或者说“脱掉的艺术”(the art of shedding), 首先脱掉clothes, 不必担心穿什么好,放下虚荣(vanity); 然后脱掉 shelter,不必住多大多好的房子,放下骄傲(pride );最后脱下面具,放下人际关系中的虚伪(hypocrisy)。 I shall ask into my shell only those friends with whom I can be completely honest… The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. That is why so much of social life is exhausting; one is wearing a mask…
她还感叹女性的家务劳动没有升职也没有称赞,除了孩子之外,她们的成果通常看不见: we do not see the results of our giving as concretely as man does in his work. 为什么女性这么容易感觉疲劳呢? 因为她们的付出很多不是 purposeful giving: purposeful giving 不那么容易消耗自身资源,即使损耗,同时也在更新和补充。可惜许多女性 “no longer fed by a feeling of indispensability or purposefulness, we are hungry, and not knowing what we are hungry for, we fill up the void with endless distractions…”
她认为每个女性都应该有独处的时间,每年,每周,每天。工资再低的工人都有周末和法定假日,母亲和家庭妇女是唯一没有休假日的工人。现代化带走了家务劳动中的艺术美感,却保留了费时费力的苦活——和广告宣传的恰恰相反。“the curtain of mechanization has come down between the mind of the hand.”