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白露为霜注:几天前奥巴马总统提名珍妮特-耶伦(Janet Yellen)成为新任的联储局主席。如果顺利就职她将成为担任这个职务的第一位女性。这位行将成为全球最有影响力的人在年轻的时候是什么样的呢?我做了一些快速查询,结果不出所料…
同伴压力,小集团和社会统一化(social conformity)是十几岁的女孩子每天都要面对的问题。有人也许会这样宣称,“我不在乎别人怎么看”,但每个人都有一种潜意识的声音在问,“他/她们会怎样想?”那么这种本能又是从哪里来的呢?每个人都天生具备社会意识的声音吗?其实,这些本能并不是天生的,而是由父母孕育,环境塑造,并在全国的学校里强制执行。在她2003年出版的《蜂后和崇拜者》(Queen Bees and Wannabes),作者怀斯曼(Rosalind Wiseman)详细介绍了不同女孩在青少年社会里所担任的角色。它为成年人了解初中高中少女的奇异世界提供了有价值的视角。
有些女孩子一辈子都在试图成为受欢迎的,却一直做不到。她们在人气女孩(popular girl)周围徘徊试图引起她们的注意和接受,往往是无功而返。她们一直停留在“贝塔”(Beta),或'崇拜者'的位置动弹不得。
最后是学校的统治者,又被称为“阿尔法女孩”(Alpha),“人气女孩”,或者“蜂后”。这些阿尔法被视为金字塔的顶端,是每个女孩的努力方向。但她们又是怎样爬到这个位子的呢?当然,有些人和善可爱,风趣幽默,漂亮气质佳,成为“人气女孩”名符其实。但也有人爬上去靠的是背后捅刀子,散布闲言碎语,成为恶毒的女孩(mean girls)。她们靠着警觉,谎言,和手段恶劣来维持自己的地位。
但事实上阿尔法女孩很少在职场有突出表现。纽约时报文章“恶意,卑劣,和失踪”( Mean, Nasty and Missing)声称,爬到顶部的阿尔法女孩似乎要么被开除了(惠普的Carly Fiorina),要么进了监狱(玛莎·斯图尔特,Martha Stewart )。更多的前阿尔法做着平庸的工作或者压根儿就不工作。
赖斯(Condoleezza Rice),希拉莉(Hillary Clinton)和佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)只是伽玛女孩的一些代表。纽约时报唯一的女性社论作家Maureen Dowd是这样评论的,“希拉莉·克林顿在白宫的时候像是一个阿尔法,但在参议院却更像一个伽玛。南希·佩洛西在众议院只是一个带着鞭子的伽玛。” 如今南希是众议院议长,康迪是国务卿,希拉莉是一个有竞争力的总统候选人,2007的确是伽玛女孩标志性的一年 (注:文章是2007年写的,后来赖斯渐退出政坛,回到斯坦福教书;佩洛西成为众议院少数派领袖;希拉莉在担任过国务卿后正雄心勃勃地准备2016年总统选举)。
白露为霜注:联储局主席候选人耶伦在高中时是校报的主编,她又是全校第一(valedictorian),不折不扣的书虫女。她在校报的一篇文章里谈到自己对矿石和旅行的热爱。后来她以优异成绩在布朗大学毕业(summa cum laude或“最高荣誉”),并获得耶鲁大学经济学博士。
The Rise of Gamma Girls
Peer pressure, cliques and social conformity are just some of problems that teenage girls have to face every day. No matter how much one may claim, “I don’t care what others say,” everyone has a subconscious voice that says, “What will the Joneses think?” Where do these instincts come from? Is everyone born with a society-conscious inner voice? Actually, these instincts are not born, but bred by their parents, shaped by the environment and enforced in schools throughout the country. In her 2003 book “Queen Bees and Wannabes”, Rosalind Wiseman detailed the different social roles girls play in adolescent society. It provides valuable insights into the parallel universe of teenage girls.
Some girls spend their whole lives trying to become popular, and never quite make it. They hover around the popular girls trying to get their attentions and acceptance, often without success. They stay stuck in their beta, or ‘wannabe’ position.
Some girls don’t care much about popularity; spend time thinking about their futures rather than their clothes. They do well in school and in extra-curriculum activities such as music and sports. Some may even like their parents. These are the so called the gamma girls.
And then, there are the rulers of the school: the alpha girls, a.k.a. ‘popular girls’ or ‘queen bees’. These alphas are looked up to as the top of the pyramid, what every girl strives for. But how did these girls get up there in the first place? True, some are nice, funny, pretty, and really deserve to be popular. But others got up there by backstabbing, gossiping, and by being mean girls. They stay popular with a mixture of vigilance, lies, and nastiness.
However, despite the early success of alphas in school, it seems like that few of them ever make it to the top in the adult world. No matter how pushy they are, these alpha girls end up being crushed by their nerdy gamma peers later on in life. But why? Isn’t adult society very much the same as the teenage one, the same ‘social butterflies’ that reigned at school would still be crowned ladies as adults?
The fact is that few alphas are prominent in the job world. New York Times article “Mean, Nasty and Missing” claimed, the alpha girls who make it to the top seem to always end up fired (Carly Fiorina of HP) or in jail (Martha Stewart). And many former alphas are working at mediocre jobs or not working at all.
The disappearing of alphas in adult world is not entirely surprising. In school, they were distracting themselves with trivial pursuits of clothes, looks, boys and popularity. Few of them got into good colleges and had a serious career. Many of them married early and became stay-at-home moms, taking care of their alpha husbands and alpha kids. The rest of their lives were spent doing rather unproductive things.
Gammas seemed to have done better. These girls were teacher’s pets, bookworms, class presidents, valedictorians, underneath the alpha girls on the social totem pole. But in the adult world, they somehow managed to flip the hierarchy over. Gamma girls worked hard in school which enabled them to go into top universities and take a serious major. Now, they are the professionals and bosses of the company, and the girls who once made their lives miserable are working for them. It’s payback time.
Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are just some of representatives of gamma girls. According to Maureen Dowd, New York Times’ the only female editorialist, “There was Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was an alpha at the White House but acts more like a gamma in the Senate. In the House, Nancy Pelosi is just a gamma with a whip.” Now with Nancy as the speaker of the House, Condi as the Secretary of State and Hillary as a leading presidential candidate, 2007 is indeed a banner year for gamma girls.
Being popular does have many perks, but it also comes with high price tag. For many girls, becoming and staying popular are their full-time job. In long run, successful alpha women are really few and far between. On the other hand, gamma girls have their eyes on larger prizes and focus their energy on something that is more important, like learning; this gives them an edge later in life. Perhaps it is a good idea to stop raising kids to be weight-obsessed and popularity-crazy alphas, rather, encourage them to become gammas.
Alpha girls get all the attentions, but gamma girls are the ultimate winners of the race. This is the best kept secret of middle and high school.