
作者:ryu  于 2013-11-2 10:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


          Textbook: Jun Jun wrote 'teacher, I can't do it' in his textbook. He said 'I flinched several time when I tried to jump from the building

Jun Jun wrote 'teacher, I can't do it' in his textbook. He also wrote 'I flinched several time when I tried to jump from the building'.

A ten-year-old boy has died after a teacher 'told him' to jump from a building.
The Chinese youngster, named as Jun Jun, fell 30 floors to his death after failing to write a self-criticism letter demanded by his teacher.
The fifth-grade primary school student had been told to write a 1,000-character apology by his teacher, Miss Chen, for talking in class.
His devastated parents have now launched a campaign against the extreme pressure put on Chinese students.

Campaign: A banner outside Jun Jun's school was put up by his heartbroken relatives

Campaign: A banner outside Jun Jun's school was put up by his heartbroken relatives. He was reportedly told to jump from a building by his teacher Miss Chen as punishment for not completing a task he was set

Fired: Jun Jun's parents are calling for the teacher that allegedly told him to jump from a building to be sacked

Fired: Jun Jun's parents are calling for the teacher that allegedly told him to jump from a building to be sacked

Messages: Photographs of the boy's study book pasted around the school by his parents showed that he had written several times that he had tried to jump from a building

Messages: Photographs of the boy's study book pasted around the school by his parents showed that he had written several times that he had tried to jump from a building

School: The school is based in the southwestern city of Chengdu (pictured here)

School: The school is based in the southwestern city of Chengdu (pictured here)

Devastated: The parents of ten-year-old Jun Jun who jumped to his death from a 30-storey building in China

Devastated: The parents of ten-year-old Jun Jun who jumped to his death from a 30-storey building in China. The parents left devastated by the loss of their son have now started a campaign against the pressure students are put under in Chinese schools and are demanding that the teacher be sacked

Tragic: Jun Jun jumped from the 30th floor of a building and landed on a parked car outside the family home at a residential building in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in southwest China

Tragic: Jun Jun jumped from the 30th floor of a building and landed on a parked car outside the family home at a residential building in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in southwest China









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4 回复 ryu 2013-11-2 10:41
A ten-year-old Chinese pupil jumps to his death from 30th floor window ‘on teacher’s orders’ because he had not written an apology for talking in class
Fifth-grade student was told to write a 1,000-character apology

Neighbours say teacher told him to jump out of building when he failed task
Relatives put up banner saying 'Teacher forced our kid to jump off building'
4 回复 ryu 2013-11-2 10:45
2 回复 小雨点0514 2013-11-2 12:48
4 回复 yulinw 2013-11-2 13:35
2 回复 老阿姨 2013-11-2 17:15
2 回复 sam333 2013-11-3 00:19
3 回复 liuguang 2013-11-3 00:34
太可怕了! 希望永远不要再有这样的悲剧!全教育系统和全社会讨论关注此事,彻底找到杜绝这类悲剧的办法!   
2 回复 rosejyy2000 2013-11-3 07:05
2 回复 笙箫难默 2013-11-3 07:12
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
笙箫难默: 这个老师是怎么当上的,亵渎了园丁这个职业。
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
rosejyy2000:    还是个十岁的小孩子,检讨书还要写一千字,也逼人太甚了。
2 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
liuguang: 太可怕了! 希望永远不要再有这样的悲剧!全教育系统和全社会讨论关注此事,彻底找到杜绝这类悲剧的办法!       ...
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:55
sam333: 老师错了写十万字检查,写不出?请自裁!
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:55
作 nie ...
4 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
小雨点0514: 中国的教育是有很多弊病的。中国家长就看成绩,导致中国老师一味的严格要求学生,不顾学生的尊严,而不关心孩子的心理。中国的教育太痛苦了!!!!可怜的孩子, ...
4 回复 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
小雨点0514: 中国的教育是有很多弊病的。中国家长就看成绩,导致中国老师一味的严格要求学生,不顾学生的尊严,而不关心孩子的心理。中国的教育太痛苦了!!!!可怜的孩子, ...
2 回复 liuguang 2013-11-3 23:08
ryu: 永远不要再...怕无可能
3 回复 ryu 2013-11-4 19:13
liuguang: 希望有制度和法令来保护学童,杜绝这类悲剧

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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