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浪漫的故事就是那么令人纒綿,41 岁的母亲尼古拉 · 麦克法兰,帯着她四岁的女儿露西散步在爱丁堡附近的波托贝洛 Socttish 海滩时,突然从被冲刷上岸的海沙中发现一只破旧玻璃瓶,瓶身偶尔露出写有东方字码的 Mandarin 书信。母亲惊喜得全身发顫,莫不是从 5000 英里之外的中国跨海漂来的......
“我兴奋地带它回家,仔细地用镊子拿出了瓶子里的纸张。我知道这是中国人写的,但我无法读懂中文”,尼古拉说。她马上转向互联网,邀请她远在澳大利亚的朋友,朱莉 · 古尔德的女儿,她在悉尼的中文学校上学。几个小时后,朱莉的消息返回来了,它的确是一封情书,果真是来自中国、写于七夕---中国情人节的一封催人泪下的情书。翻译后的中国情书是这样的: “ Today is the Chinese Valentine’s Day, we pray that our relationship will last forever and we will have a long happy life together...... ”
Da Hai: Ocean, I hope no-one will get this bottle, as we just wish you can hear our voice, and get your blessing.
Today is the Chinese Valentine’s Day, we pray that our relationship will last forever and we will have a long happy life together.
We declare our love and that we are the only one in each other’s life.
Though the person who picks up this bottle, in a different country using a different name, it’s one world.
So please make a voice about our relationship and tell everyone about it. Today can you please be our witness that our love will last forever, two people, two hearts but one life.
Zhang Qing Xun & Li 2012, 07,07.
Today is the Chinese Valentine’s Day, we pray that our relationship will last forever and we will have a long happy life together.
We declare our love and that we are the only one in each other’s life.
Though the person who picks up this bottle, in a different country using a different name, it’s one world.
So please make a voice about our relationship and tell everyone about it. Today can you please be our witness that our love will last forever, two people, two hearts but one life.
Zhang Qing Xun & Li 2012, 07,07.