
作者:oneweek  于 2013-2-17 05:44 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



不管你是谁, 你都要讨生活。除非你是富人的子弟, 遗产无限多; 或者你能嫁入豪门。别的人, 不管你是博士硕士学士还是没有文化的文盲, 都要为生计奔波。

国内几千年的文化 注入大家头脑之一点 就是万般皆下品 唯有读书高; 书中自有黄金屋 书中自有颜如玉。 读了书几大车, 如果没有人像以前孟尝君那样喜欢养闲人的贵族, 把你保养起来, 你还是要把自己的知识应用出来 为社会创造价值, 也为自己挣个五斗米 吃吃。

刚才看了SPATIAL的《像狗一样赖在美国系列》http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Prose/31161830.html。 作者说了, “捡垃圾日记(1-20)”在MITBBS上张贴后,立即引起国内几家出版社的关注,现在正在修改扩充,相信不久即可正式出版。”  国内的, 能抓住笑话美国的事情, 大家都会感兴趣的。 作者后来到华尔街工作的事情, 很可能就一刀割去不提。 

以前看杨恒均写得一个故事(大意如下), 就是湖北还是湖南某地一位老太太, 能以土豆果腹; 卖鹅蛋还惦记着美国欠中国无数的债务, 大家都会不会饿肚子(http://www.douban.com/group/topic/5885714/)。 这个俺看了不怨老太太, 怨那些误导她的混蛋。 俺自己, 没有出过的时候, 有一阵子也以为世界上三分之二的人在饿肚子。

回到这位SPATIAL的故事, 在俺看来正常不过, 有时后生活中处于坏运气坏时机的阶段, 能捡瓶子生活, 也是一个好的锻炼。 那个日子, 说成像狗的日子, 也是没有必要。 捡瓶子是像狗的日子, 到华尔街工作, 是像老虎、恐龙的日子?  叫俺看来, 很多高级白领,即使在华尔街, 还是像狗的日子; 或者像猪的日子。 就是回国了, 说不定还得添上司的屁股, 还是一样狗的日子。

拿俺的一位熟人为例。 上学的时候很多人在餐馆打过工, 俺以前的一位同学, 怎天就说他是副教授了, 还得到餐馆打工, 很多不平。 俺悄悄想一下, 你自己语言啥也讲不清楚; 搞科研的时候思维混乱, 难道要哪个大学请你当教授吗?










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6 回复 病枕轭 2013-2-17 06:08
3 回复 fanlaifuqu 2013-2-17 06:27
0 回复 总裁判 2013-2-17 06:30
0 回复 fanlaifuqu 2013-2-17 06:39
1 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-2-17 06:44
这里有文化差异, 在西方文化中,狗一般不做贬义引申,即使有,其含义完全不同,看下面这篇:
Learning to LIVE like a DOG
As I sit here in the early morning hours, I am transfixed by the haphazard sprinkle of lights against the black canvas of night.

Silence permeats the cloak of darkness, and yet, there is this innate knowing that city life is slowly awakening to brewing pots of coffee and tea, and that a new day will soon be in full force.

The melancholiness of the hour mimicks my heart as I realize that today is the one year anniversary of the death of my beloved pug, Dekker Black.  Perhaps the near close call of my father’s departure from this world is also not far from my thoughts this morning.

But I have determined in my heart that even though my heart is heavy with a longing for those wet kisses that were often snuck in on the sly, or that silly tilt of the head that all pugs seems to be born with, that I am going to remember the wonderful years I had with Dekker.

My father’s heart attack made me realize how much of our life is so silly and meaningless.  When placed up against the departure of a loved one, the “seriousness of life” or the supposed significance of a ‘problem’ suddenly dim in comparison.

"Double Rainbow"
What appeared to be so important, suddenly in the blink of an eye, is not.

Thus, the lense of life is dramatically changed and what is truly important is magnified.

One of the most important lessons I learned, again, from my dad is to never forget to tell those in my life what they mean to me and how proud I am of them.

Can you remember the last time someone told you they are proud of you?   Something so simple to do, and yet, something we often forget.

Or … when was the last time that you told that amazing friend how much you loved them?  Again, something so simple, and yet, something we often think we have plenty of time to do so we continually keep puttting it off.

Dogs are amazing creatures because they have learned to live in the moment.  They don’t worry about yesterday and past offenses and they have no concern about tomorrow.  They just want your attenion, love and food – now.  (smile)

Play Time is NOW!
Perhaps a great goal for the new year (for me at least) is to learn to live like Dekker did?

It would be the greatest tribute I could pay to him for the wonderful years I had with him.

As Christmas slowly inches towards us, please remember to take time to tell those who are important in your life how much they truly mean.

And  … whatever has happened in the past, well … perhaps leaving it there is best.

As for tomorrow, we can’t do anything about it, so let’s just focus on today, eh?

I hope each of you know how important you are to me.  You have been such a blessing and a gift in my life.  You allow me to share your ups and your downs with you, you encourage me and so many others, and you never cease to amaze me with your courage to confront one more day.

Know that you are in my heart and thoughts today, that I love you, and how incredibly proud I am of you!  (smile/wink)
2 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 06:45
4 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 06:46
总裁判: 这是篇好文章,细细看,看到人有时侯刻意贬低自己的时候,内心很骄傲,好像在告诉大家,自己其实是李嘉诚,是个不容易的人物,最苦的活也干过。而且把苦日子的“ ...
2 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-2-17 06:48

Tips for 2013! Live Like a Dog!

Things You Can Learn From A Dog

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. When it is in your best interest, practice obedience.

Take naps and stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Be loyal.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

Delight in the simple joy of taking a walk. On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shade tree.

When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body. No matter how often you are scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout.

Run right back and make friends.
0 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-2-17 06:49
6 回复 远洋副船长 2013-2-17 06:49
0 回复 小皮狗 2013-2-17 07:12
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 难怪村里有个可爱的网友取名“小皮狗”:)
谢谢蜻蜓姐姐, 我很喜欢.    
1 回复 小皮狗 2013-2-17 07:15
3 回复 无为村姑 2013-2-17 07:16
2 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 07:23
小皮狗: 我觉得任何行业都没有高贵和低贱之分,这是一种心态,如果自己可以尊重自己所做的一切,无论做什么,都会做得很好,甚至很出色。而有一部分人,永远活在一种抱怨 ...
以前有村民劝过那个Q, 但是不太有效果,我看他就喜欢那种生活。当然,再怨天尤人就不值得同情了。
1 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-2-17 07:33
小皮狗: 谢谢蜻蜓姐姐, 我很喜欢.      
0 回复 小皮狗 2013-2-17 07:33
dwqdaniel: 以前有村民劝过那个Q, 但是不太有效果,我看他就喜欢那种生活。当然,再怨天尤人就不值得同情了。
谢谢提供信息. 我本来也以为是那样的,但今天一周兄的这篇博文是针对村口的一篇博文,有感而发.而那篇博文的情况看来有点不一样了,我们作了一些评论,但后来发现与那位楼主已经无法沟通了,您如果有时间,不妨去看一下,也谈谈您的感想?
0 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2013-2-17 07:36
dwqdaniel: 以前有村民劝过那个Q, 但是不太有效果,我看他就喜欢那种生活。当然,再怨天尤人就不值得同情了。
0 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 07:36
小皮狗: 谢谢提供信息. 我本来也以为是那样的,但今天一周兄的这篇博文是针对村口的一篇博文,有感而发.而那篇博文的情况看来有点不一样了,我们作了一些评论,但后来发现与 ...
6 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 07:38
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 舆论引导员:)
1 回复 dwqdaniel 2013-2-17 07:40
无为村姑: 狗跟狗一样吗?~
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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