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二零一三年一月十五日(LZ received the statement)
I am outraged by what happened to me at one of the Apples stores in New Hampshire. I was treated inhumanly without just cause.
I hope that Apple can give me a formal explanation of my so-called “trespass”. I was just waiting in line to get the phones that I had paid for online. I did not make noises nor was I a nuisance to other consumers. I was treated inhumanly only because the Apple store employees told the guards that I had trespassed, and they did not verify it or give me any notice. I have always seen the United States of America as a country of rule of law and democracy, which has a high regards for human rights and treats different races equally. I have suffered tremendous physical pain and trauma, in addition to the damage done to my dignity. I hope that the judicial department will do me justice.
二零一三年一月十五日(LZ received the statement)
January 15th, 2013 (LZ added)
李晓洁委托蒋桂林(kuei Lin Chiang)做我案件的诉讼和对外发言人。
Letter of Authorization
Xiaojie Li hereby authorizes Kuei Lin Chiang to handle my litigation and act as my spokesman.