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“根据宪法,美国总统没有权力单方面授权发动军事攻击,除非这种攻击是为了阻止对美国实际发生的威胁或迫在眉睫的威胁。” 巴拉克奥巴马 -2007年12月20日。
起草人:托马斯,豪劳克, 2011年3月24日
Statement of a Democratic Town Committee regarding acts of war by the U.S. against Libya:
The Democratic Town Committee opposes the involvement of the United
States in air attacks against the government and armed
forces of Libya on grounds that:
The engagement comprises interference in a civil war within a sovereign nation;
Congressional approval was neither sought nor gained for this commitment to
The decision to war was made precipitously, upon a sudden and poorly explained
reversal of policy, without urgent or foreseeable military danger to the United
Little effort was made to examine the issues and win national approval for war
before military action commenced;
The United Nations resolution encouraging war on
Libya (UNSCR 1973 (2011)) does not override or replace lack of constitutional
The attacks are a national expenditure without appropriated funds;
It is unclear whether the Libyan rebels, whom we now seem to support, have the
ability to form a government of national unity.
The Democratic Town Committee therefore
believes that President Obama has overstepped his authority in leading the military
attack on Libya, and agrees with the statement of candidate Obama of 2007:
"The President does not have power under the Constitution
unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve
stopping an actual or imminent threat to the
nation." Barack Obama - December 20, 2007.
drafted by Thomas Hollocher, 24 March 2011