民主党人认为奥巴马越权,反对出兵利比亚声明 (中英文对照)

作者:Cannaa  于 2011-3-24 00:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





“根据宪法,美国总统没有权力单方面授权发动军事攻击,除非这种攻击是为了阻止对美国实际发生的威胁或迫在眉睫的威胁。” 巴拉克奥巴马 -2007年12月20日。

起草人:托马斯,豪劳克, 2011年3月24日
Statement of a Democratic Town Committee regarding acts of war by the U.S. against Libya:

The Democratic Town Committee opposes the involvement of the United States in air attacks against the government and armed forces of Libya on grounds that:
The engagement comprises interference in a civil war within a sovereign nation;
Congressional approval was neither sought nor gained for this commitment to war;
The decision to war was made precipitously, upon a sudden and poorly explained reversal of policy, without urgent or foreseeable military danger to the United States;
Little effort was made to examine the issues and win national approval for war before military action commenced;
The United Nations resolution encouraging war on Libya (UNSCR 1973 (2011)) does not override or replace lack of constitutional authority;
The attacks are a national expenditure without appropriated funds;
It is unclear whether the Libyan rebels, whom we now seem to support, have the ability to form a government of national unity.
The Democratic Town Committee therefore believes that President Obama has overstepped his authority in leading the military attack on Libya, and agrees with the statement of candidate Obama of 2007:

"The President does not have power under the Constitution to
unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." Barack Obama - December 20, 2007.

drafted by Thomas Hollocher, 24 March 2011










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0 回复 海外愤青 2011-3-24 03:11
0 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 04:01
海外愤青: 美国总是出些另类,也不可把他们太当真。
Thanks. I often received notes from friends who are really thoughtful. Here is another. I will take time to sort of them.
Yes, that's true, but it was not approved by the U.S. Congress- - per Art.I, section 8 of the Constitution of the United States of America! (see The NYT today, p.A11).  This point highlights a steady morphing  of our constitutional government to imperial government.  The power to "declare war" has migrated from Congress to the President, and second, from the President to generals: see  Richard A. Clarke's "Cyber War," 2010. Clarke claims a general needs to prepare the battle field in advance of the war he expects/wants to fight. This is particularly true for cyber war which the U.S. used to shut down Libya's communication systems prior to launching its Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets.
    Third, declaring war has been delegated by our generals to army clerks in Florida who trigger drone missiles to kill specific individuals in Yemen, a country not at war with the U.S.A.  If the Yemen's President approved those killings, apparently our generals have delegated (???) Congress's power "to declare war" to the president of a foreign nation. While covert killings may have been an on-going practice of our CIA, these have been covert actions for a damned good reason - these are illegal minus the context of a declared war.
    This is one of many examples on the increasing obsolesces of Constitution. President Bush illegally authorized 'wiretapping' citizens communication within the US; a violation of the 4th Amendment (privacy protection).  This sort of violation is continuing under President Obama.  See the  NYT today, p. A17).  The utility/vitality of Constitution of the United States is not fairing much better under President Obama.  
    In summary, the Constitution is increasingly becoming obsolete; its has become more an icon of worship for the Tea Party folks than a utilitarian tool of governance 'to create a more perfect union,' its primary purpose when it was adopted in 1787.      

0 回复 qyed 2011-3-24 06:45
1 回复 JEFFSON 2011-3-24 08:34
0 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 08:49
qyed: 这个托马斯是麻省的一个教授?所以这是麻省的一个民主党地方支部?文章在网上找不到。日期的写法也有点另类呢!
This is only a draft. The 党支部 will discuss and will produce a final version.
1 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 08:49
JEFFSON: 联合国对利比亚采取军事行动的决议(安理会第1973(2011))是禁飞而不是斩首,此行动形成了一国猎杀另一国元首的居面。非常恶略。
I believe. This is much serious than the war in Iraq.
0 回复 torpedo1 2011-3-24 10:28
1 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 11:11
torpedo1: 俄亥俄州的一个反战民主党议员,前天接受CNN采访时,也大声疾呼,奥巴马擅自决定出兵,就凭这一项就够启动弹劾他的议程。但他说,目前,他还不打算这样做。只是想 ...
1 回复 torpedo1 2011-3-24 12:37
Cannaa: 不说就没事了?还有共和党呢,下次竞选这是个硬伤,躲不掉的。
1 回复 酒余饭后 2011-3-24 19:42
1 回复 酒余饭后 2011-3-24 19:52
Cannaa: 不说就没事了?还有共和党呢,下次竞选这是个硬伤,躲不掉的。
1 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 21:09
酒余饭后: 美国宪法中根本就没有一定要国会同意总统才能发动战争(军事行动,和宣战不是一回事)这一条,欧巴马并没违宪,但总统要持续战争就要国会的支持,因为钱是国会批 ...
This is one of many examples on the increasing obsolesces of Constitution. President Bush illegally authorized 'wiretapping' citizens communication within the US; a violation of the 4th Amendment (privacy protection).  This sort of violation is continuing under President Obama.  See the  NYT today, p. A17).  The utility/vitality of Constitution of the United States is not fairing much better under President Obama.
1 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 21:10
酒余饭后: 没有什么法律依据去弹劾,只是说说划清界限罢了。欧巴马应该被弹劾的是他缺乏Leadership,LOL,其实他拿着联合国决议当挡箭牌行事才让大伙郁闷。
0 回复 Cannaa 2011-3-24 21:15
torpedo1: 他们也知道要维护自己总统的权威呀,不想让利比亚政府看到他们的内斗,这不长了敌人威风了吗?所以,言论自由还是有选择性的。
奥巴马在这次禁飞区问题上丢分是丢 ...
1 回复 torpedo1 2011-3-25 00:10
Cannaa: 搞不好被弹劾
0 回复 insight 2011-3-25 05:06
酒余饭后: 没有什么法律依据去弹劾,只是说说划清界限罢了。欧巴马应该被弹劾的是他缺乏Leadership,LOL,其实他拿着联合国决议当挡箭牌行事才让大伙郁闷。
0 回复 JEFFSON 2011-3-26 05:26

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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