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Science-Based Medicine Blog对针灸麻醉的批判
今天在Consumer Health Digest的邮件里看到的,粗略翻译一下摘要。
The Science-Based Medicine Blog(基于科学的医学 博客)得出结论,从
文章里,麻醉学家医学博士Kimball Atwood得出结论:
1. 大部分为外科手术而被施以针灸麻醉的患者也被施以了镇静剂,麻醉剂
2. 对“针灸麻醉”使用和有效性的统计数据被严重夸大了。
3. 在文革中,患者有着讨好医师和权威的巨大压力,因此他们不大会抱怨。
4. 在七十年代末,当批判变得安全的时候,有识之士开始公开揭露其虚假
5. 不存在所谓针灸麻醉,至少不存在人道的或者临床上实用的用于外科手
来源: Atwood KA. "针灸麻醉:来自毛主席的宣告. Science in Medicine
Blog, May/June 2009.
[第一部分] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=131
[第二部分] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=494
[第三部分] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=505
[第四部分] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=540
Devastating attack on "acupuncture anesthesia" published.
The Science-Based Medicine Blog has concluded that the
"acupuncture anesthesia" promoted by the People's Republic of China
from about 1958 through the mid-1970s was faked. In a four-part series,
anesthesiologist Kimball Atwood, M.D. concludes:
**Most patients who underwent acupuncture for surgery were given
sedatives, narcotics, and local anesthetics.
**Statistics about the use and effectiveness of "acupuncture
anesthesia" were grossly exaggerated.
**During the Cultural Revolution, patients were under extreme
pressure to please their physicians and other authority figures, which
meant they were unlikely to complain.
**In the late 1970s, when criticism became safe, knowledgeable
doctors began speaking out publicly about the fakery. Use and respect
for Traditional Chinese Medicine has been declining in China sine that
**There is no acupuncture anesthesia or analgesia-at least not to
an extent that is either humane or clinically useful for surgery.
Source: Atwood KA. "Acupuncture anesthesia: a proclamation from
Chairman Mao. Science in Medicine Blog, May/June 2009.
[Part I] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=131
[Part II] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=494
[Part III] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=505
[Part IV] http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=540