
作者:十三大爷  于 2009-5-8 12:05 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



I had the great pleasure knowing some of you.  Surely we are all different in our experience and background.  But we also share a great deal in common that we have all savored the splendor of Chinese traditional values and western liberal culture.  Many of you have had great experience in life, whether it's a successful career in your own right or finding comfort in faith and religion or simply being blessed with a loving family.  What impressed me most is not your passion for exotic cars, or your exquisite taste for Gucci handbags or your enviable expertise in Chinese cuisine.  Instead it is your enduring love and, shall I say, a passion for your family.  This is what is great about our Chinese women: they tend to stick with their husband and family, despite the stressful nature of his job, a less desirable paycheck or how much they really enjoy each other.  Together they try their best to raise their young with a sense of enduring hope.  Indeed, they have represented the best that their mother and grandmother have instilled in them.  At this moment, I simply want to say: I admire you and adore you, that is all of you in awe.  Happy mother's day to you all and make sure you all call your mom to say thank you on this Sunday.









发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)

4 回复 丑女多做怪 2009-5-8 12:13
thx a lot!wow,well done!
3 回复 tinydancer 2009-5-8 12:18
3 回复 十三大爷 2009-5-8 12:29
tinydancer: 谢谢你
Can we be friends again after all?
3 回复 十三大爷 2009-5-8 12:30
wd6364: 希望你们也持久
2 回复 tinydancer 2009-5-8 12:31
你十三大爷: Can we be friends again after all?
Sure thing.  I can not add any more. Can you?
3 回复 wd6364 2009-5-8 12:44
你十三大爷: 我和谁持久啊?
2 回复 wd6364 2009-5-8 12:46
4 回复 borninheaven 2009-5-8 13:07
Happy mother's day!
3 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-5-8 19:21
大爷, 感动啊! 中英文都出色!
5 回复 marnifan 2009-5-8 21:54
嗯,大爷有心 is a blessing.
Gucci? Bottega is more like it..
4 回复 十三大爷 2009-5-8 21:56
marnifan: 嗯,大爷有心 is a blessing.
Gucci? Bottega is more like it..
Do you like what I wrote or what?
3 回复 marnifan 2009-5-8 21:58
你十三大爷: Do you like what I wrote or what?
the pleasure is all is this clear enough?
3 回复 十三大爷 2009-5-8 22:00
marnifan: the pleasure is all is this clear enough?
Someone got to help me to ride the bike though
4 回复 marnifan 2009-5-8 22:17
你十三大爷: Someone got to help me to ride the bike though
Bugatti 可以商量商量. make it a joy ride
2 回复 野木耳 2009-5-10 21:29
你的中文没退化,still better than your English,only you are more used to (prefer) English。那叫“母语”,哪能忘呢,哥们儿。
4 回复 水影儿 2009-5-10 21:39
3 回复 jjsummer95 2009-5-11 02:30
Gucci, Bottega --Can I have them as Mother's Day gifts?
3 回复 十三大爷 2009-5-11 03:15
jjsummer95: Gucci, Bottega --Can I have them as Mother's Day gifts?
Of course you can

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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