
作者:qwxqwsean  于 2024-10-30 04:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村






所以我今天在better business bureau网站投诉亚马逊。这个机构类似于中国的消费者协会。期望它能帮我拿回被盗的75美元亚马逊礼品卡。


换成其他人怎么能像我这样打客服电话?必须英语流利,把事情表达清楚,事后要接电话和接邮件回答问题。我自己也必须把事情理清,经过很多努力,才通过我在倍可亲上发表的旧日记查明礼品卡余额是三张礼品卡合计75美元,并且找出了侥幸没丢失的三张礼品卡的claim codes。换成其他人早就被拖死自动放弃了。





I had Amazon account registered using xxx@yahoo.com, without my phone number. My former employer issued me three $25 egift cards in 2023. I redeemed and deposited them into that account, and the 3rd and the last gift card was deposited on 10/17/23. There was gift card balance $75 in that account and I never use it.

On 8/8/24 1:30am, a hacker changed that account's email address from my xxx@yahoo.com to the hacker's email jpmv7whtyjgomy0@outlook.com. 

I discovered in the early morning and called Amazon customer service number at 8 am to report. The agent said she locked that account. I requested to retrieve $75 gift card balance from the account that was hacked. She said Amazon account specialist will contact me in 24 hours.

Later Amazon staff contacted me through email or phone but I never get the $75 gift card balance back.

I made 8 phone calls to Amazon Customer Service number, 8/8/24, 8/10/24, 8/13/24, 8/15/24, 8/26/24, 9/7/24, 9/9/24, and 10/26/24. Every time agents said my case was recorded and someone will contact me in 24 or 48 hours to resolve the issue. And occasionally someone did contact me, but I never get that gift card balance back.

On 8/10/24 I created a new Amazon account using xxx@yahoo.com and added my phone number into account, and later changed to current email xxx@hotmail.com.

The $75 gift card balance is likely still in the hacker's account jpmv7whtyjgomy0@outlook.com. The hacker dosen't seem have chance to use that gift card balance or if being used for shopping only reveal more information about the hacker. 

I still have claim codes of those three egift cards. On 9/9/24 I sent screen shots of two egift cards to an agent through email to help their investigation on her request.

I tend to believe the hacker broke into my Amazon account without knowing passwords of that Amazon account and my email account.

I need help from BBB to communicate with the Amazon, so that they can return the $75 gift card balance back to me.









发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 浮平 2024-10-30 06:06
Have you tried contacting Yahoo to restore your email account?
回复 qwxqwsean 2024-10-30 06:10
浮平: Have you tried contacting Yahoo to restore your email account?
回复 浮平 2024-10-30 09:14
qwxqwsean: 我的雅虎邮箱没被盗呀。是因为我叙事不清,还是机器人读不懂?
You said: ”And occasionally someone did contact me, but I never get that gift card balance back.“

Did Amazon provide any specific reasons for not giving you the credit, or did they just tell you to keep waiting?
回复 浮平 2024-10-30 10:26
You said: "On 8/8/24 1:30am, a hacker changed that account's email address from my xxx@yahoo.com to the hacker's email jpmv7whtyjgomy0@outlook.com. I discovered in the early morning and called Amazon customer service number at 8 am to report.  The agent said she locked that account. "

Did the agent lock your account, or did you request it to be locked?

In either case, have you requested to unlock your Amazon account in order to check if you still have that $75 gift card proof?

Have you asked Amazon to restore your original account by sending reset password to your original email address xxx@yahoo.com?
回复 qwxqwsean 2024-10-30 11:31
浮平: You said: "On 8/8/24 1:30am, a hacker changed that account's email address from my xxx@yahoo.com to the hacker's email jpmv7whtyjgomy0@outlook.co
回复 浮平 2024-10-30 11:35
qwxqwsean: 是我让接线员立即封锁已经被黑客盗窃的账号。接线员说她不能当场查看被盗账号里是否还有礼品卡余额,因为它的注册邮箱是黑客的邮箱,而我不知道密码,但后台调查
哦。【但后台调查的人可以查看】那就是后台或者 supervisor 到现在为止一直没有确切的调查结果?但是你说他们和你联系了几次说了什么呢?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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