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瑜珈老师Hilary就要住院了,今天大家把集体照送给了她,这是 Speech
November 12, 2008
XXX hired you in July 2005 to teach step aerobics and yoga. Since then, you have impacted a lot of people here. You have fulfilled your job better than anyone could have expected. You are the most reliable instructor I have ever met. You have taught on days that most people would have called in sick and on days that we all know you probably shouldn’t have been here. And you do this not only because of your belief in fitness on a level beyond practically everyone else, but also because of your dedication to and love of your students. You are someone who never lets a friend down, who greets us each day with a smile, and who is genuine in caring for our bodies and souls.
Too quickly, you will be in isolation and chemo to kill the cancer cells that have the nerve to attack someone as wonderful as you. Anyone who knows you well, and we all do, knows that it will be hard on you. Not because of the chemo – that we know you will handle beautifully, but because you won’t be able to teach all of us during that time. During that time we will miss you as much as you miss us!
So we would like you to accept this gift to take with you into the hospital. Whenever you need a smiling face or think about us, you can look at this picture and see many of the XXX people who love you and support you. With this picture, we will be with you in the hospital, even though we are physically apart.
We look forward to you teaching our classes again and will miss you and keep you in our hearts while you are getting better and always.
Namaste, Hilary!
With Much Love,
Your XXX Aerobics and Yoga Students