- 以色列记(三)Kingdom of Heaven [2008/12]
- 自由言论的收益与代价 写在美国大选之前 [2008/11]
- 以色列记(二)Is it all worth it?? [2008/12]
- 以色列记(一)We have always been isolated [2008/12]
- 夏日游记 (一) [2008/07]
- 夏日游记 (三) [2008/07]
- to entertain and to instruct 我的文化观 [2011/01]
- 夏日游记 (二) [2008/07]
- 黑天鹅 (2010) [2011/01]
- Monday night [2010/03]
- 老子 Lao Tze [2011/01]
- A股走势之我见 [2009/08]
Monday night
On my way home, I missed a train. It was a crowded one, which means
it must have been long since the last one came. I was upset, thought I had
to wait lonely on the subway station. However, to my surprise, the next
train came within seconds, with very few people. So I walked into
the train, sat down and was ready to enjoy the ride.
Then I saw a post on the window, it reads:
A rose open in my heart,
A cuckoo sing in my throat,
A fledgling leap from my nest,
A dolphin plunge into the deepest of my thought. "
it must have been long since the last one came. I was upset, thought I had
to wait lonely on the subway station. However, to my surprise, the next
train came within seconds, with very few people. So I walked into
the train, sat down and was ready to enjoy the ride.
Then I saw a post on the window, it reads:
A rose open in my heart,
A cuckoo sing in my throat,
A fledgling leap from my nest,
A dolphin plunge into the deepest of my thought. "
Finally, I saw the beauty in my life again.
This kind of life, how can I afford not enjoying it.