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whose fault? 2
I believe that a lot of people have experienced injustice more or less in their workplace; a lot of people have gone through rough patches in their lives about financial or marital condition over the years. What would you do if you are in a situation like this?
firstly you are reaching your retirement age yet you realize you suffer a great loss in your pension which you have saved for years; Secondly, you are afraid of losing your job one day in the future since you and your boss don’t see eye to eye with each other which may not totally be your fault; Your house would be taken away if you could not pay your mortgage at required time, if you could not find a job soon enough, and remember you are no longer a competitive candidate in a job market since the depression and your age; you have a son who has learning disability which means his life would primarily rely on you and you may no longer be able to provide him the life he needs.
All these big “if” tormented you, and you knew you cannot change one single thing in your situation. You took time to reflect upon yourself and asked yourself a question what you had done to deserve a fate like this. You got no answer. Who said the god will always be with you when you are in need? You desperately needed his guidance yet wherever you looked it were dark, pitch dark; you didn’t see light at the end of tunnel. Then you lost faith.
The last thought went through his mind maybe: Why is it so hard to be a good person?