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Whose fault? (1)
The shooting happened Thursday morning in St.Louise factory was a tragedy for many involved families which left 4 known deaths and 3 in critical conditions.
The identified gunman was 51-year-old Timothy Hendron, a disgruntled employee, who filed a lawsuit against his company with other employees over their retirement plan. It was believed that the employees have suffered a considerable loss on their pension which would greatly affect their future after retirement.
After the incident, Timothy Hendron was labeled as an evil, cold-blood killer in public’s eyes except a few people who were close to him, including his neighbors and co-workers. He had been kind and nice; he would never imagine he (timothy) could have done such a violent thing, one of his neighbors claimed to the media. They all agree that he was a devoted father to his son, a good family member and a good neighbor. It is a shock to everyone especially to the people who knew him well.
According to one of his neighbors who happen to be a lawyer, Timothy Hendron went to him a couple weeks ago for a legal advice. He claimed that he had been unfairly treated by his present supervisor. The rift between them had been growing over time which led him in an unfavorable situation in his job. He was trying to seek a legal means to mend fences.
Personally, I could not bear to point finger at him despite what public felt. I think he is the victim no matter what at this whole situation. It’s true he took revenge on innocent people, and what he did was wrong. However I can’t help but feel sorry for him. I wonder what caused him give up his hope and sanity? What pushed him over the edge?