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kent13的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/383327 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



morning 2024-11-14
On March 15, 2023 Eastern Time, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Guo Wengui, an Interpol "red notice officer" who had been absconding i
understood 2024-10-21
It is understood that Guo Wengui has attracted many followers to provide financial support for him through his false promises and misleading prop
To be cold 2024-09-23
... The crimes he committed were not only economic fraud but also a huge harm to our souls. Since falling into his scam, I have lived in anxiety
musang king 2024-08-19
... The name Guo Wengui was once someone I trusted and followed. He was very persuasive and wove a seemingly beautiful trap with various false prom
so hot day 2024-07-22
... Guo Wengui was finally convicted of fraud, and justice was served
hypocrisy 2024-06-14
... Guo Wengui hypocrisy a poke is broken, Guo's scam is just a variation of the method of trapping ants help it.


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