watching the river run

作者:越湖  于 2010-10-11 05:02 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




If you've been thinking you're all that you've got,
Then don't feel alone anymore.
When we're together, then you've got alot,
'Cause I am the river and you are the shore.

And it goes on and on, oh, watching the river run,
Further and further from things that we've done,
Leaving them one by one.
And we have just begun watching the river run.
Listening and learning and yearning.
Run, river, run.

Winding and swirling and dancing along,
We pass by the old willow tree
Where lovers caress as we sing of our song,
Twisting together when we greet the sea.

And it goes on and on, watching the river run,
Further and further from things that we've done,
Leaving them one by one.
And we have just begun watching the river run.
Listening and learning and yearning.
Run, river, run.

And it goes on and on, watching the river run,
Further and further from things that we've done,
Leaving them one by one.
And we have just begun watching the river run.
Listening and learning and yearning.
Run, river, run.









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1 回复 fressack 2010-10-11 05:17
1 回复 静湖明月 2010-10-11 05:19
“Cause I am the river and you are the shore.”

---That's the reason the river always passes the shore
1 回复 越湖 2010-10-11 11:04
静湖明月: “Cause I am the river and you are the shore.”

---That's the reason the river always passes the shore
water may passe the shore, but the river will always be by the shore.
1 回复 越湖 2010-10-11 11:05
fressack: 抢个沙发坐下慢慢欣赏!
1 回复 静湖明月 2010-10-11 11:08
越湖: water may passe the shore, but the river will always be by the shore.
Yes, but it passes the different shore, and it can not stop for a part of the shore~~~right?
1 回复 越湖 2010-10-11 11:13
静湖明月: Yes, but it passes the different shore, and it can not stop for a part of the shore~~~right?
Of cause it stops and goes all the time, otherwise the shore won't be wet,  would it?
1 回复 静湖明月 2010-10-11 23:07
越湖: Of cause it stops and goes all the time, otherwise the shore won't be wet,  would it?
En, it depends on what kind of rivers and what kind of rivers you meet and love...
1 回复 sissycampbell 2013-12-10 19:08
I love the song very very  much ,i'll be the river and pass the shore.who......
1 回复 越湖 2013-12-10 22:47
sissycampbell: I love the song very very  much ,i'll be the river and pass the shore.who......

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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